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Contents :
The constitution of IRAN
Maritime law of IRAN
Regulations Concerning Registration Transfer of Title and Transactions of
The vessels In IRAN
Law Concerning Nautical Zones of IRAN in Persian and Oman Sea
Civil procedure Code of IRAN as deals with exercise of lien on goods (cargoes And vessels)
Civil Code of IRAN
Commercial Code of IRAN
Law Concerning Attraction and protection of Foreign Investments
Implemental Regulations of the Law Concerning Attraction and Protection
of Foreign Investments

Law of Transit of Foreign Goods through the Territory of IRAN
Implemental Regulations of the Law of Transit of Foreign Goods through the
Territory of IRAN
Law of Islamic Republic of IRAN Chamber of Commerce Industries and Mines
Employment of foreign citizens and Labor Law of IRAN
Law Concerning Registration of a Branch or representative of Foreign
Companies in IRAN
By- Law & procedures Concerning of a branch or representative
of Foreign Companies in IRAN
Regulations Concerning registration of companies in free Trade Zones of IRAN

Note : Should any comments regarding the nature and the texts of the texts of the above
smentioned laws and regulation and / or English versions of them (and any Other specific laws) needed ,
please do not hesitate to contact us.